Newfoundland and Labrador Address Generator

Address information in Newfoundland and Labrador

Postal code: V1P 1C5

Street: 1494 Swainson Road

Place: Kelowna

County: Central Okanagan

Province: British Columbia

Phone: 709-894-4800 (Aliant Telecom (nf))

Mobile: 709-332-4800 (Aliant Telecom (nf))


Susan Ryan

Susan Ryan

1494 Swainson Road
Kelowna, BC V1P 1C5, Canada

Title: Ms.   Gender: Female

Birthday: Oct. 29, 1987, 4:24 p.m.

Username: mark80

Password: 94%(BUs8_k

Financial information

Credit Card: JCB 16 digit

Credit Card Number: 3563582625100219

Expiration Date: 02/27

CVV: 546

Company: Romero Ltd Inc

Job: Chief Operating Officer

Salary: $8400

IBAN: GB86OHCB0481113205271

BBAN: YHII8086384751644

Other Canada addresses